《魔幻至尊》The Illusionist我比較喜歡「幻術師」這個片名,當我看到男主角將一顆橘子仔埋入土中,後債務整合來長成橘子樹又結果的情景,不禁讓我覺得導演大概是向中國故事借的點子,故事大約如下:一名老者想吃支票借款路邊攤販賣的橘子,卻被拒絕,有個好心人看他可憐,買了一個橘子分他,老者吃完後,將橘子仔埋入土中支票貼現,最後長成一顆結滿橘子的大樹,老者將橘子分給大家,就在大家吃得興高采烈的同時,買橘子的老闆才發汽車借款現自己的橘子全不見了。以下是片中愛德華諾頓所飾演的埃森漢所說的一段對白:From the moment we 汽車貸款enter this live we are in the flow of it.We measure it and We mock it, but we cannot defy it. 房屋出租We cannot even speed it up or slow it down. Or can we? Have we not each experienced the 買房子sensation that a beautiful moment seemed to pass to quickly, and wished that we could make it 賣屋linger? Or felt time slow on a dull day, and wished that we could speed things up a bit? 在故事餐飲設備的最後,我們終究明白一切都是幻術,然而,使用幻術的人,不也是為了自己的私欲,操控台下的觀眾與他製冰機想要打擊的對象嗎?

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